Thomas Koch
Project administrator
Project developer
Project scientistDear POEM@HOME community,
first of all we want to express our deepest gratitude for every contributor to our project. Last year we developed a GPU optimized version of SIMONA, which is used as part of POEM@HOME, which speeds up the calculations by various magnitudes. Due to this speedup it has been very hard for us to supply sufficient work to saturate our BOINC project.
Therefore after eight years running, we have so much computational power that we do not require your large and generous contributions to conduct our science anymore. At the same time other, smaller and bigger projects require more computational power than ever.
The GPU accelerated algorithm will be open-sourced so that other groups can use the efficient forcefield freely to conduct research on GPU clusters on their own (the timeframe for this will be until Christmas. The code is ready to be shipped and the paper is written, but needs to be peer-reviewed before).
We are sorry for the hiccups in the last month; we would have liked to prepare a cleaner and better run of the final tasks.
Thank you again for your amazing support and we hope that your contributions will help other BOINC projects from now on. We want to especially thank Vladimir Tankovich for his contributions to the GPU code.
Best regards,
The POEM@HOME admin team
P.S.: We will keep the forums and website open for some time and will gradually empty the queue and shutdown the server daemons after approximately 2 months. -
Project has sent its last few tasks out shortly after the announced closure.
Now just waiting for the project server to be decommisioned/shutdown.