Ibercivis has restarted and has new address and new stats
Ibercivis has restarted and has new address and new stats:
Guess you can call it "Ibercivis 2".
It is a totally NEW project and the old stats were NOT migrated over.Message boards : Noticias : Lanzada la aplicación Covid-Phym
Hola a todos!
Finalmente, hemos lanzado la aplicación Covid-Phym
El objetivo de esta aplicación, lanzada por el CSIC, es testear fármacos que ya funcionan en el tratamiento de otras enfermedades virales, y ver como actúan contra el coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
Toda la información del proyecto (objetivos, equipo investigador, etc) y notas de prensa están disponibles en la página web de Ibercivis:[/blockquote]
Translated to English via Google:Message boards : News : Covid-Phym Message board moderation application launched
Hello everyone!
Finally, we have launched the Covid-Phym application.The
objective of this application, launched by the CSIC, is to test drugs that already work in the treatment of other viral diseases, and see how they work against coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
All the information of the project (objectives, research team, etc.) and press releases are available on the Ibercivis website: launch-of-the-citizen-science-project-covid-phym-help-us-block-the-replication-machinery-of-the-coronavirus / uploads / 2020/04 / PROYECTO-COVID-IBERCIVIS.pdf -
Wrote on project web forum Message 264
Sergey Kovalchuk
db_dump.xml - export list
tables.xml - project total
= 08.05.2020 23:30 UTC
last user in user-table - chencho (ID 1498) 7 May 2020, 16:26:57 UTC -
The old project has gone, since the new one was startet. I think it's time to retire the old site:
Regards Odi -
Time to retire BOTH old and new projects.
There has been no work sent since early/mid 08/2020 (10 months ago).
There currently is NO BOINC project message boards.
This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate expired 266 days ago. -