I was curious if there was any XML representation of project totals? This could coincide with the request for the project master urls?
I've been working on a client side ajax project parser, based on CPID. Largely to work with Sript.aculo.us and Prototype.js but also with distant delusions of a Google or Dashboard Widget some day. Giving BOINC Combined full props, of course.
It'd be nice to be able to get project totals so that I could derive % ranks for total credit or RAC.
Or, if anyone could think of an alternate solution?
Here's my test bed:
http://scr.gwaereth.org/boinc/boinc_v1.htmlFor anyone that looks at the code, please try and remember it's a work in progress
PS, I'm well aware of the caching requirements/preferences for any deployed project. It's not in there right now, but would certainly be baked in before I let it loose on any level.