Aggregate get_project_config.php?
Does it make sense to aggregate project configurations and add urls for 'responsive' projects? The information is in user by cpid, but it would make a nice stand alone table to get to 'all' the projects.
(BTW: This type of stuff here or in the suggestion forum?) -
To clarify should include contents of mysql table b_projects
It now exports a few more fields, but you have to use the correct url:
Can I interest you in adding the <rpc_prefix> member to each project--if they have one? -
For<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <project_config> <name>PrimeGrid</name> <master_url></master_url> <rpc_prefix></rpc_prefix> <web_stopped>0</web_stopped> <min_passwd_length>6</min_passwd_length> <sched_stopped>0</sched_stopped> <platforms> <platform> <platform_name>windows_intelx86</platform_name> <user_friendly_name>Windows/x86</user_friendly_name> </platform> </platforms> </project_config>
It's how to 'find' the Boinc server from the 'master_url' (implied by most projects, PrimeGrid might be the only one reporting <master_url>, useful if you get the wrong 'main' entry point). I've been busy on a couple of projects' forums getting them to either return 'proper' xml or to include the <rpc_prefix> member. -
Well, at this time, I'd say it isn't going to happen. I don't use the get_project_config.php from each project at all, so don't have anything pulling that data.