Condensing Host List

TurboAAA, Sun Feb 24 2008, 08:04AM

Looking over my host list on I found I have 32 hosts. I actually only have had a total of 10 - 15. I have already gone through my projects and combined as many hosts as possible (this brought it down to 30)

The problem is that when I combine the hosts, Im told that most of them do not qualify. Over the years my computers have undergone OS changes, network changes, and some hardware changes. However, the CPU is always the same.

How can I combine hosts that have the same CPU?
Re: Condensing Host List
James, Mon Feb 25 2008, 08:51AM

The only solution that I know of is to delete instead of merge the hosts. But delete isn't always allowed either (if there are still results tied to the host, you can't delete it). Deleting a host won't change your credits granted, you just kind of loose some of the history of where you got the credit from.